Weight Loss

I’ve been on a diet since I was fifteen and have gone through a lot of yo-yoing. I think my highest was around 190lbs, when I was sixteen/seventeen and my lowest was about 144lbs, last Christmas, which was pretty much my perfect weight. Being at my parents house and surrounded by my mum’s home cooking, makes it hard to stick at this weight and I bounced back to 160lbs during the six months between Christmas and the summer camp. During the latter I got back to 146lbs, but in the month or two since I’ve been home, a lack of exercise + too much food = weight gain. I don’t know how much, because I’m scared to weigh myself, but I don’t feel entirely comfortable.

I didn’t really feel comfortable at 146lbs either, I lost a lot of muscle tone and weight because the food was awful and I was subsisting on chocolate and apples. Balanced. I’m not going to weigh myself a lot, because I get obsessive, so I’m only doing it at the beginning and in the middle of each month. I try to eat healthy 90% of the time and limit sugar, which will be much easier when I’m in charge of my own groceries again and I try to get some exercise in daily. At the moment, its cycling. I used to love running, but starting again after a summer of nothing, my motivation is LOW so I’m starting with something a little easier.

I have weights and practice Yoga myself, but again I’m finding it really difficult to motivate myself to do anything! I have no excuses and will continue to work at this, once a week is better than nothing, twice a week is better than once, etc.


Goal Weight: 145lbs

October 1st: 

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