The Last Day

I’m feeling rather cheerful today, don’t really know why, but I’ll take it! I went into town, to the bank (phew!) and then stopped into Lush and bought some ‘Love Lettuce’:

Doesn’t it look delicious? Hahaha. Its for my face, I’ve been really breaking out recently :-/ I think its down to stress. At first I thought it might have been sugar, but apart from the odd slip-up, my diet has actually been pretty good. Besides, when i was at the camp, I survived on chocolate and my skin looked amazing because I was enjoying myself, active and outside. So thats another thing I’ll have to keep up in York. Even though it will be effing freezing, I’ll get fresh air. The more active I am, the warmer I’ll be.

I was actually very good though and apart from that I bought nothing. 🙂 I also got a statement when I was in the bank and have a notebook which I will now record every expenditure in.

breakfast: porridge and bran cooked in milk with golden syrup and apple puree

lunch: two slices of toast, one with egg and one with pumpkin seed butter, ryvita minis and an apple

snack: courgette cake (not necessary, but won’t be having cake for a while! :-()

dinner: veggie stir fry with goats cheese

Off to do the last bits of packing! Meeting my new landlord at 3pm tomorrow! Eeeeeeek!

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