
Spent the morning with my mum today before she went home. 😦 We did a bit of shopping, got the last few bits and pieces, like tupperware for leftovers and lunches and a muffin tin, for muffins… Healthy bran ones though. 🙂 She also bought me some ‘move-in’ chocolate, which is OK, because I can enjoy that and then I won’t be buying anymore, so its a nice little treat.

I don’t have any Uni stuff until Tuesday, so tomorrow I’m getting my card, joining the gym, going to have a look at my college etc which should be a fun day! Internet is still an issue and we won’t have it in the house until the 18th, so I’m typing this from a local pub with free wifi. My housemates and I are all sat here with laptops which looks a little odd, but when needs must!

breakfast: banana and strawberry smoothie

snack: cadburys creme egg

lunch: salad and salsa with an apple

dinner: veggie and bean casserole

Better than yesterday, but all this was eaten at odd times and I keep letting myself get too hungry which equals chocolate… I’ll work on it and as ever, it’ll be easier when I have my gym membership and a proper schedule. I’m so happy with my tupperware though, I can take some proper fancy meals onto campus and won’t get too hungry, rush home to eat and stuff my face!

On that note, some of my clothes are feeling a little tighter than they should and my thighs are wobbling all over York (good that i’m doing plenty of walking though), so motivation to slim down and tone up is high.

Hope everyones having an amazing weekend! 🙂

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