The Final Countdown

breakfast: porridge and bran cooked in milk with apple puree and a tsp of honey

lunch: two eggs on toast with a pepper and an apple

snack: ricecakes

dinner: veggie stir fry with garlic and herb goats cheese and an apple

slice of ‘courgette cake’

Today was OK, boring packing and worrying about forgetting something important, then five minutes later worrying I’ve taken too much. Eurgh.

I had a bit of a snack-attack after lunch. I’m not sure if I was really hungry or not, but I could feel myself wanting to eat for the sake of it (I was craving sugar). So, I had the ricecakes, only 90 calories and seemed to stop me wanting anything more. I am finding it really difficult to strike a balance in eating enough, but not too much. I know thats EVERYONE in the worlds problem, but its still annoying me. I think the honey might have had something to do with the hunger this afternoon actually. I had a tiny teaspoon and it fit in my calories, but I have this awful habit of using even the smallest ‘slip-ups’, like having some honey (!!) as an excuse to eat everything in sight. So stupid.

I’m also still bored a lot of the time, which doesn’t help. I just need to keep going until I get to York, then other distractions will help me out.

Plan for tomorrow is to head into town to put this cheque in the bank finally and do a little pre-move shopping. Then when I get home extreme packing will start! I need to move everything into the hallway ready to load into the car and then check every room in the house for stuff I might have forgotten. Hopefully on Saturday all I’ll need to do is load my bedding, toiletries and last bits of washing into the car and we’re off…

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